Jack's electrolytes were again "fine" yesterday, according to the vets, so we went ahead with the same Percortin injection today: 2mls.
Sodium= 149 Ref range= 139-154
Potasium= 4.3 Ref range= 3.6-5.5
Na/K ratio: 35 Ref range= 27-38
Na is above the midpoint of 146.5. K is below the midpoint of 4.55. Ratio Na/K is above the midpoint of 32.5. I'm curious how much they fluctuate before and after the injection.
I've been told that in the early stages, percortin has a cumulative effect, and his next month lytes might show he's getting too much, with the K too high.
I've been told that in the early stages, percortin has a cumulative effect, and his next month lytes might show he's getting too much, with the K too high.
Jack is a little frantic in the mornings until he gets his breakfast. And then, he's hungry and thirsty most of the time.
I'm curious how the prednisone works. I understand it's a substitute for Cortisol, a glucocortoid that manages how sugar is metabolized. It has nothing to do (as I understand it...) with the electrolytes which are managed by the DOCP injection.
I'm curious if Prednisone dosing has any relationship to diabetic or hypoglycemic conditions in dogs. Always more research to do.
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