
Jack Sparrowe, trail companion Jan 2012

Monday, November 5, 2012

We had Jack's electrolytes tested again, but weren't very 'on the ball' about setting the appointment.  As a result, while his 'lytes were dead on in the center of the range, we're not sure how he's doing at day 28.
At about 23 days, his N=146 (midpoint 146.5), and his K=4.3 (midpoint 4.55), which really seems good enough as he shows no clinical symptoms at day 28.  Unless we really want to try to reduce the dosage, this seems like a pretty good routine to me.

We went up the ridge this morning, day 28 in his DOCP cycle, and while he was a little subdued, that could have been from a lot of things, including having a fairly big day yesterday.  I gave him his injection after we got back and he had a chance to chill a bit.  He was so sweet about it.  It itched a little afterward, but a cookie made everything OK.
I'll make a point to check his 'lytes again perhaps in January at day 28.

We got a chance to go for a hike last weekend with "Poodles at Play" a group of standard poodle owners from all over the region.  Some came from as far away as Merced and Sacramento to do a hike from Bort Meadow to the Stone Bridge and back in the Chabot park.
While Jack didn't take the opportunity to actually "play", he did get along well with everyone, and stuck with me like velcro.  I think there were about 20 dogs, and it was just a hoot.  I hope to do more with them.

The silver girl here is Emmy.  She's new, and I was kinda smitten with  her....