I've been chasing a new career, that's been taking me out of the house, calling on bars, taphouses and restaurants selling beer for Hermitage Brewing Company. The brewer there is an old friend of mine from the homebrewing days.
Unfortunately, it's meant we've needed to work around giving Jack the time he needs, and getting him out of the house.
We went out with the Poodles at Play group yesterday, and Jack was lovin' life again!
He jumped around, and ran around with the other dogs more than he's done in a long time.
He takes a while to get to know new dogs, but these guys are like his buddies now, and feels pretty comfortable around them. I think this group has done him a lot of good.
Morgan Territory is probably the most remote of the parks in the East Bay. It's 10 miles up a one lane paved road, that gets pretty scary at points.
But in the spring it's amazing. It's so green it hurts the eyes, and wildflowers grow in carpets.
Seems the manzanita trees like it there too!