Sorry, I guess I didn't finish the saga of Jack's brush with an Addison Crisis.
Really, I just got a 1/4 of a 5mg prednisone down him and he was fine. So, if your Addison dog starts acting like he's having a crisis, look to the glucocortoid: prednisone. I probably forgot it the previous day.
So he's back to normal now, and actually had a PLAY session this morning. There has always been a group or two of dogs/owners who meet up at the local grade school field early in the morning for a social romp. It really does everyone good.
Jack has always had issues around other dogs, he views them as competition, rather than as playmates. This morning, however, he kinda got with the program, chasing a massive Doberman around along with his boxer buddy. Often, he was the referee, as poodles often are, when the Doby and the Boxer were having a go, he had to step in and comment. He even stole the Toy, much to everyone's delight. (SO wish I had a picture to show you!)
Meanwhile, I've made arrangements for Cleo's final vet visit next week. She still eats, sleeps (a LOT), does her bidnez where/when she should, and can get up the stairs (not down) by herself. I'm conflicted.
However, she isn't having any fun.
I have a feeling the next post will be all about the Cleo.