
Jack Sparrowe, trail companion Jan 2012

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Last week, Jack gave us a little scare.  Sue Ann brought him back from a run, and said she thought she saw his hind legs tremble.  To me, that's a sign that we might have screwed up on the Percortin.
So, we took him in for an electrolyte panel.  It was about 4 days early for his injection, which we're solid on every 28 days.  It came back great: Na=149, K=4.2.  Got a nice chat with Dr. Doe about it, and he's pretty impressed with how well Jack is doing.
Today I gave him his injection, on schedule.  No idea why his legs were shaky, as SA doesn't run him very hard, it's just a trot around town.

Last weekend, Jack and I went out again with the Poodles At Play group.  About 20-21 people and a few more dogs than that came out to a gorgeous 3 mile hike at Del Valle in Livermore.  We ended up having lunch at The Carvery, a Harry's Hoffbrau thing with a big patio where the dogs could all chill.
Jack had SUCH a good time.  He wasn't nervous around the other dogs, he was just glad to be there.  Conservative, to be sure, and he always wanted to know exactly where I was.  Very convenient for me, I didn't have to look for him, he was looking for me.  He didn't really play, but he did attract a fan.  Little Ricky, a 7mo old black standard really thought Jack was keen.  It was great.
